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Daily Worship


Diane Ward





My Messenger

by Diane Ward

We are born with an innate sense of justice. We cheer for the just cause and grieve when evil goes unpunished. Malachi points us to the fulfillment of his prophecy of 460 BC. He shows us how Jesus perfectly fulfilled his prophesies. He tells us that Jesus is the only hope for a wayward and lost society, the random faceless violence unleashed at times in the world. The Cross begins with an unanswered “why?”

From the time of Malachi (430-460) to the beginning of New Testament there was no prophet speaking to the people of Israel. Malachi had a unique perspective and message. The Day of the Lord is surely coming, as many prophets have foretold, when God will even things out for the last time! “I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me.” Malachi delivered a message of reassurance to God’s people after exile. “I have loved you says the Lord!” He reaffirms God’s people are to live set apart.

What do Malachi’s teachings say to us?

As we study the book of Malachi, it becomes clear and important that God is concerned with our attitudes and actions. He looks at the motivation of our hearts and calls us to a deep and growing faith in Him.

Malachi tells us the condition of our heart matters immensely. God wants us to live and give completely and generously. He wants us to love Him with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength.

Malachi emphasized the importance for God’s people to repent of their sin and turn their hearts to Him. Malachi spoke of the day when Elijah would come and turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the children to the fathers, “to be devoted to God.”

What if the book of Malachi had ended with the Old Testament and there was no promise of hope and salvation, no messenger. Thanks be to God for the indescribable gift of Jesus who suffered the cross. The “why” has been answered!


We are so grateful for Jesus and the cross he shouldered for us, for our salvation and freedom. Thank you for the reminder of your love and forgiveness for each of us when we embrace life through Jesus.

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