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A Come to Jesus Moment
by Karen Burkhart
“You search the Scriptures because you think that in them
you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me [Jesus],
yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life." (John 5:39-40)
Have you ever asked yourself WHY you’re here? Not, here on earth, but here, reading the Bible and this reflection? What drives you to carve time out of your day to crack the Good Book? Are you here looking for a nugget of inspiration? Are you seeking some encouragement or comfort? Are you here to gain knowledge so you have more to add to your small group discussion? Are you here to please the Lord? Each of these motivations has merit, so long as they remain secondary. You see, the Bible was provided to us so we can know God—not just about Him—but personally. Cover to cover, God invites us into an eternal relationship with Himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Let’s pause for a moment to let that sink in: The God of the universe wants us to come to Him, not just to His words.
Why would any of us settle for a nugget of inspiration or knowledge when we could gain a Friend, a Redeemer, a Healer, a Guide, an Advocate, and Life-Giver? Perhaps, deep down we all know, that in relationship with God, we also gain a Judge. Mankind has been trying to hide from this Judge since the garden of Eden. Instead of camouflaging our sin with leaves like Adam and Eve, our temptation may be to hide behind our religious acts and knowledge.
The sooner we realize the futility of any effort to hide or distance ourselves from God, the sooner we can begin enjoying the eternal life-giving relationship with Him for which we were made. No matter how much time you may have spent missing the point of the Scriptures, it's always the right moment to come to Jesus.
Father, as I open my Bible, whether to the Old Testament or New Testament, help me to be on the lookout for Your Son, Jesus, revealed in its pages. Help me to not miss the point that You've given us the Holy Scriptures so that we may know You and receive eternal life. Amen.
