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Daily Worship

February 4 | Luke 6:20-23

Pamela Mann






Blessed in Kingdom Style

By Pam Mann

Imagine the furrowed brows and the puzzled faces of the folks listening to Jesus. Was He really saying that the poor are blessed? The hungry are blessed? The weeping are blessed? The hated are blessed?

In every culture and every age, all people know that the wealthy are the blessed ones. They have more food to ease hunger and less heartbreak to cause weeping…. and less rejection. Everyone knows the rich are blessed. Just look at them!

But Jesus sees things differently. In the kingdom of God, the norms of our broken world get

turned on their heads, up-side-down. Jesus asserts that the poor are blessed because belonging to God’s kingdom changes everything!

Entering into a life in Christ, joining the kingdom of God, is a long game, actually an eternal game. Sometimes life seems a long, dark tunnel, but, for kingdom workers, there’s light at the end of that tunnel. That light is named Jesus.

Consider Paul and Silas who get arrested and imprisoned during their mission trip to Philippi (see Acts 16:25). They are fully experiencing the truth of Luke 6:23 because they are praying and singing hymns to God in jail! Likely, they’d have leapt for joy, too, except that their feet were in stocks!

Later, Paul writes a letter to the believers in Philippi and explains:

I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.  (Phil. 4:11b-13)

Paul joins the ranks of those blessed by Jesus as they may hunger and weep. They are blessed because they trust that the day of feasting and laughter is coming. Life in Christ is a long game. To love Jesus is to learn to wait for the blessing. As we learn to wait joyfully, we grow in sweeter fellowship with the One who blesses. This eternal investment puts our present struggles for Christ’s sake into proper perspective. The believer who suffers sorrow upon sorrow is in the best position to savor grace upon grace.


Lord, give us the joy of Paul and Silas as they sat shackled in prison. Let us not shrink from hardship or sorrow or persecution. Instead, let us face them boldly and search them for the blessing of Your strengthening presence in their midst. Amen. 




I first joined UALC when my husband (then my fiancé) and I were college students involved in youth ministry. God has used UALC to nurture our family’s faith, even in our years outside the U.S. I’ve participated in UALC ministries with kids, art, prayer, exercise, ESL, and Bible teaching. I do all the fun church things.


162 views2 comments


Lynn Ness
5 days ago

Thanks Pam!

I agree with Beth, beautiful message to ponder anew!


Beth Voltmann
5 days ago

“To love Jesus is to learn to wait for the blessing.”

Thank you for those words to reflect on today, Pam.

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