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Daily Worship

February 29 | John 13:31-36

Judy Webb





Heartbreak and Betrayal

by Judy Webb

"When he [Judas] was gone, Jesus said, 'Now the Son of Man is glorified and God is glorified in Him.'" (John 13:1)

I found it interesting that Judas' betrayal came after Jesus washed his feet. There must have been some powerful emotions swirling around inside Judas' head as Jesus lovingly cleansed his feet. What were they, fear? Anxiety? Regret? Embarrassment? Judas had succumbed to Satan's deception. He was out in the dark and now it is clear to all, Judas had lost his faith in Jesus and his Kingdom mission. Seduced by Satan, Judas was playing the role of bribed betrayer.

But with Judas gone, Jesus could instruct His Disciples and prepare them for the crucifixion. Judas was out in the dark. We cannot fool Jesus by pretending to be a believer, or a follower, when we are not. Judas is a warning to each of us that continuing to reject Jesus opens us up for unthinkable evil.

Jesus waited for this moment to institute the Lord's Supper. Judas was not a believer and could not take part in this sacred meal. A lot of hard stuff was happening with more to come. Thus, the heartbreaking betrayal scene is ready. It will all begin soon. The ultimate drama. Jesus and the eleven disciples had a deep affection for one another and while the road ahead was going to get very difficult; it was that love which would see them through. Jesus surrendered to the Fathers’ desires. Soon, Christ’s death would destroy all the powers of darkness.

Jesus told his followers: “Everyone will know you are my disciples if you love one another.”

(John 13:35)


Jesus, Give us the courage to love everyone as you loved. Help those around us to recognize this love which informs the world we are your followers. Amen.

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Feb 29, 2024

Good morning, Judy. I have never thought about the fact Judas did not attend the actual institution of the Last Supper. Thank you for pointing that out. Where have been all of these years? LOL.

I can tend to jump off to conclusions sometimes before letting a message sink in. In today's reading we hear Jesus say to the disciples the same thing He said to the Jews, "where I am going you cannot come"--- I would probably have interrupted Him wondering if we, the chosen apostles, are in the same category as the "Jews". Had I waited, I would have heard Jesus reassurance "but you will follow later."

Isn't Jesus comforting even in his hour of trial. "You will…


Feb 29, 2024

Lord-help us follow the example of the 11.

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