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Daily Worship


February 25 | Mark 10:17-31





The Impossible is Possible

by Elaine Pierce

"With God all things are possible." Many of you probably know that is Ohio's state motto (in case you're wondering, our state beverage is tomato juice... but I digress). Five other states also have "God" in their motto. Let's take a look at the context in which Jesus said "With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God." (Mark 10:27)

The rich young man seemed sincere in his desire to follow Jesus. He was proud that he faithfully kept the Jewish commandments, but when Jesus told him that rule following wasn't enough - he had to give up his wealth and follow Jesus - he couldn't do it. His money was more important to him than a relationship with Jesus.

It would be hard to give up great wealth, wouldn't it? But think for a moment about the things you hold dear. What if Jesus looked you in the eye and said, "Go, give your XXXXX to me, and you will have treasure in heaven." You fill in the blank. Would it be family? Would it be a career? Would it be youthful beauty? Would it be the approval of others? What am I holding onto that I am not ready to give to Jesus?

Yes, this passage focuses on wealth, but I think it safe to say that we won't achieve real peace, real freedom, real joy until we lay it all at Jesus' feet. Any other path will end in disappointment, in dissatisfaction, in defeat. I often wonder if the rich young man ever heard Jesus again. Perhaps he was in the crowd when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. Perhaps he saw Jesus as he suffered on the cross. We don't know. But we know Jesus is offering us - each of us - the gift of eternal life. And that gift is only possible when we receive it - when we confess our sins and invite him to take over. Thanks be to God that with him, all things are possible.


Lord, you know my heart, and you know I cling to things I shouldn't. Help me as I walk through the Lenten season to take time each day to meditate on your word, and seek to follow you more dearly. Amen.

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