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Daily Worship

Judy Webb

February 24 | John 8:31-38


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Free Indeed!

by Judy Webb

"To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, 'If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.'” (v. 31-32)

I didn't understand what it meant to be set free until I encountered Jesus. I can't even pinpoint with absolute certainty when this was. Looking back, it seems the encounter was instantaneous. But in truth the event is ongoing, as my relationship with Him continues to grow. I am sure some of you understand just what I am talking about. This freedom isn’t only for me, but for anyone and everyone who believes in Jesus and the Salvation He died to gain for us.

Today would have been my baby brother's 61st birthday. He has been set free and with Jesus for 14 years now. I was reminded of this as I prepared to write the devotion today. His name was Mark, and Mark lived a tortured life - for many reasons; some of his own doing and some not. He had a rough start in life, but once he found Jesus, he was set free! You could see it in his eyes and witness a dramatic change in his behavior.

"They answered him, 'We are Abraham’s descendants and have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?' Jesus replied, 'Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. So, if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.'" (v 33-36)

I have found during my time as a believer, that there really is peace and freedom when living as Jesus commands. We don't have to keep track of our lies, we only live in truth. We aren't chained to a lifestyle that offers no peace; on the contrary, truth and peace abounds when freedom reigns in our lives.

Happy Birthday Mark.



Prayer Journal – To begin your daily worship today, grab a pen and paper and write out a prayer to God. Not sure what to write? Try using ACTS to frame your prayer. Begin with adoration for who God is. Then move on to confession – being real about where you have fallen short in the last day or two. Give thanks to God for all that He gives (including forgiveness for the sin you just confessed!). And then finish with supplication – with your prayer requests to God. When you are done, tuck this away somewhere (so you can read it later and see how God has answered your prayers) and then move into hearing from God through His Word.

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