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Daily Worship


February 16 | Matthew 9:1-13





The Call to Follow

by Judy Webb

"As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s booth. 'Follow me,' he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him." (Matthew 9:9)

These two words, “Follow Me," are an encouragement to its readers. Jesus called Levi (Matthew), a hated tax collector, a misfit of society, to join Him in ministry. One would think that Jesus would only want to be surrounded by the best, the most influential, the pillars of society—but not so. What is just as stunning, is Matthew left his post, got up and followed Him. He gave up his security, his riches all for an adventure he never dreamed.

Jesus calls a collaborator with the enemy to be His disciple, as one commentary put it. Does this resonate? I can tell you he does the same with us, we don’t need to be perfect; we aren’t. Jesus called the misfits and the unpopular to be part of His team. He does the same today.

Have you felt a call to Follow? Do you ever sense that He has a job set aside that only you can accomplish? There are big things in store for those who accept the call, who trust God knows what we need. When God calls us, it is for a purpose… His purpose, and we need to respond, as Isaiah responded to the voice of the Lord, “Here I am. Send me.” (Isaiah 6:8)

Do you feel unworthy of your call? Do you question your ability? God sees you and knows you, flaws and all. It is those flaws, the very trials and struggles of your life that God wants to use. Your story, your testimony of God’s goodness when you were most undeserving that He can use to assure others of His love. These words of Love are FOLLOW ME.


Dear Jesus, open my ears to hear your call to me saying, Follow Me. I want to hear and respond. I know there are some who need to hear my story so they can be confident of you grace and your endless love. Use me, as I follow you.

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