Increase the Sounding Joy
By Katie Borden
I love this time of year. As a child of God, I get to look forward to the best birth announcement ever made for Jesus. As a people person, I have an abundance of opportunities for connection and cherished time with loved ones. As a musician, I can experience a plethora of amazing music being made.
One of my favorite Christmas choral pieces is actually being presented on Sunday at the Celebration of Advent. The particular arrangement of O Come All Ye Faithful that we will hear is incredible. Everything–from the piano part, to the vocal harmonies, to the range of instruments entering in–builds in one giant swell from beginning to end. This piece echoes joy in ever-increasing measure.
I think this may be how we experience life with Jesus in the Spirit. The Spirit rebirths us. He breathes life into us. The Spirit enters us and we have a deeper, more vibrant, eternal kind of life. And his work doesn’t stop there. God is pouring ever more into us, making us ever more like him and giving us ever more revelation into the true fullness of who our God is.
When Nicodemus comes to Jesus in today's text, he sees Jesus as a teacher who has come from God. He’s not wrong per se, but he doesn’t have the full picture of who Jesus is. By the end of the Gospel of John, however, we see Nicodemus again and learn that his understanding of the enormity of who Jesus is has expanded. This happens for us as well. The Spirit gifts us with an ever-expanding vision of our God and cultivates in us an ever-deepening relationship with our good Lord. Someday, in the age to come, we will know the fullness of God, and be filled to the brim with his presence and love. Oh, how we long for that day!
In this season of Advent, we wait for that day to come quickly. But we wait with hope as our love and joy in Christ crescendo to their fullness as that draws ever nearer, thanks be to God.
Holy God, as we wait for Christ's appearing on Christmas, we also wait for the coming day when we will know you in your fullness. By the power of the Spirit, cultivate the eternal kind of life in us in ever-increasing measure, that we may know and love you and your beloved all the more until the day of your appearing. Amen.
I’m a lifelong member of UALC and have had the privilege of serving our community in both volunteer and staff roles over the years. I love learning, OSU football, good conversations, chocolate croissants, laughter, and sharing about the good news of Jesus in whatever capacity I can.
I echo David's words. I was singing "Joy to the World", in my heart as I read. Thank you friend. God's peace to you.
Katie, as I read your devotional, I could feel an excitement welling up in me. Thank you for this inspirational rendering of God's Word.