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Daily Worship

Judy Webb






In A Perfect World

by Judy Webb

“In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus…” Philippians 2:5 (NIV)

This verse struck me right off the starting gate. There is a lot of richness in the remaining lines, but for some reason I feel led to concentrate on the opening verse. Like many of you, I have been concerned with all the negative and powerfully aggressive verbiage all around us. It wasn’t always like this, at least not as intensely strong and directed with the intent to destroy as it is today.

I am coming to realize that Jesus can change all that, but He won’t stuff it down our throat. We need to examine why we act like this and ask ourselves not only why, but how can I change?

I took four of the words in this verse and took a closer look.

1. Relationships – connections, associations, links, bonds, kinship

2. One another – each other, reciprocal relationship

3. Same – similar, unchanged, matching, alike

4. Mindset – established set of attitudes

I have been watching popular the show, The Chosen, and observing how Jesus interacts with the people around him, family, friends, and strangers. This has convicted me in a most powerful way. His quiet smile, gentle hugs to all, and the way He teaches his followers how to do the same. This is exactly how I believe Jesus to act. Our world needs to soften, to open hearts and hands to help each other especially during difficult and challenging seasons.

I recognize that I am not always nice. My facial features don’t reflect all the love and patience Jesus has showed me. I am determined to change all that with the help of Jesus – praying everyday for His goodness to overflow my heart. Let’s be the change that will make this world a softer and gentler place.

“…at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Philippians 2:10-11)


Dear Jesus,

Convict each of us to remember to show your love to all we encounter. Everyone has burdens, and a kind word or gesture can lighten a heavy heart.

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