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Daily Worship

Beth Voltmann

December 27 | Isaiah 9:1-7

Updated: Nov 1, 2024






by Beth Voltmann

Isaiah’s prophecy is rich with promise and stirs a beautiful Christmas memory for me:


The small sanctuary, filled with worshipers and candlelight, would swell with the sound of Isaiah 9:6-7 set to the music of Handel’s “Messiah”. The choir would begin, and soon, the congregation would join. We would sing the chorus several times, allowing the wonder of the miracle of God’s promise to sink in, and then...

the music would stop, and our voices, raised in a cappella praise, would sing the chorus one more time. As a child, it seemed as if the final note would linger in the air as we all stood silently in breathless wonder.


At the time this prophecy was given, things appeared to be very bleak and dark for God’s people. It began with “Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom...” (Jeremiah 9:1). This was a past prophecy given to a people who desperately needed a savior—words of hope to those needing comfort.


Matthew Henry’s commentary says:

“In the worst of times, God’s people have a ‘nevertheless’ to comfort themselves with something to allay and balance their troubles.”


Perhaps the world seems bleak, or you are feeling a bit down now that Christmas is over. Nevertheless...this is also a present prophecy for us. God sent Jesus, the Word made flesh. All the fullness of the Godhead came down to a little manger in Bethlehem.


“...on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.” (v. 2)


Do you know this Light? In Jesus our joy has been increased (v. 3), the yoke of our sin has been shattered (v. 4), for to us a child has been born, to us a son given (v. 6).


This is the promise of the Godhead three-in-one:

  • the child born in a manger is the Prince of Peace who died for us

  • the Son given is our Mighty God and one with the Everlasting Father

  • the Spirit of Christ is our Wonderful Counselor


The days may seem long and difficulties many; nevertheless...let these words comfort you today:

For unto us a Child is born,

Unto us a Son is given,

And the government shall be upon his shoulder;

And his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor

The Mighty God, the Everlasting Father,

The Prince of Peace is he.


Take a quiet moment to sing them a cappella in the silence of the post-Christmas celebration, and look for the joy of the future prophecy given:

            “...of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end.” (v 7)




Lord, may I rest in your promises today. When I am tired and weary, I often forget that “God is for us.” (Romans 8:31) Thank you for the gift of this season—this time to reflect on Jesus. He is our light and our hope in a dark world - Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.


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