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Daily Worship


December 2 | Matthew 28:16-20


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Go! Tell the World

by Judy Webb

In Matthew 26:32, Jesus extended an invitation to the disciples to meet him in Galilee after He had risen. He said, "But after I have risen, I will go ahead of you into Galilee" This promise was fulfilled in Matthew 28:16, "Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshipped him; but some doubted."

Reading this, did you get hung up on the three words, "but some doubted." I'm right there with you. After reading all they had gone through, after witnessing Jesus' death and hearing Jesus tell them he would rise again on the third day ... Yet some doubted. Maybe the word doubt is better translated as total awe and wonder. Like perhaps they just couldn't believe their eyes. After all, the Resurrection went against all logic.

So, not so much unbelief, as hesitation or uncertainty. But I am fairly certain it didn't take too long for the smiles to break out, or for the handshaking and back-slapping to begin. Their joy at the unbelievable reunion must have been an incredible site to behold. Then, to top it all off, Jesus reveals their purpose for the rest of their lives.

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations. This is their marching orders. He has spent three years preparing them for this day, this moment in time. How many years have we spent preparing to go? It is our assignment too; it is our heavenly purpose in life.

Jesus lets his beloved disciples know that they will not be alone with the words, "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." He tells us the same thing. The disciples purpose in life following Jesus' departure from this world, is the same assignment all Christians have. This is even more important now, during the difficult and tumultuous times we find ourselves these days.



Dear Jesus, sear this command on our hearts and minds. Remind us daily of the importance of sharing the love with one another. For certainly, as the words from the once famous song goes, "What the world needs now, is love, sweet love. This most certainly is true!

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