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Daily Worship


AUGUST 6 | HEBREWS 10:19-25






Perseverance in Faith and Togetherness

by Judy Webb


“Let us draw near to God…(v22) Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess…V23) Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds… (V 24) Encouraging one another—all the more as you see the Day approaching. (v25)


The heading for these verses in the NIV Bible reads:

A call to perseverance in faith

This is certainly a time when we should read and memorize these words, and then put them into action. Can you think of a way to do this? How can we draw near to God? That is easy, read the Bible, study His Word regularly and pray. Easy enough. Next, trust what you read and study and embrace Jesus as our only Hope. Then let your behavior model this command. Encourage those who need a kind word or a generous act. Smile, reach out and lead by example.

During these days, many feel we are nearing the second coming. When in fact, every day is one day closer—regardless if it is 100 years or 10,000. There is no time to waste. We need to be faithful to our own church families, for there is where we find strength and comfort. When persecution becomes prominent—we must not isolate, but cling to each other as we cling to Jesus and His promises.

This verse (25) is also a warning against becoming complacent. We need each other more than ever right now. As we wage war against Satan and his demons, there is strength in numbers. It is Christians against the world right now. But thank God, we know how it all ends.

So, while there is still time, let us consider sharing our faith with someone who needs to hear the encouraging words of Jesus. Walk alongside that person and lead them into Jesus’ waiting arms.


Dear God,

Give us courage and strength to do your will, to Be and to Make Disciples, right up to the end. Come, Holy Spirit! Fill us with your presence. Amen.

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1 Comment

Nancy Donner
Nancy Donner
Aug 06

Thank you, Judy, for the timely message. We need encouragement and strength to share with others. Time is short.

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