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Daily Worship

August 30 | Psalm 121

Kim Starr





The Journey

by Kim Starr

The Israelites were supposed to go to Jerusalem three times a year for various festivals. The temple where they worshiped sat high on a hill and getting to it could be dangerous. The psalm we read today is one of the Psalms of Ascent (Psalms 120 to 134). The Israelites sang it as they traveled to Jerusalem, and it focuses on God’s provision, care, and encouragement for His people. While they were journeying, the Israelites placed trust in God to get them to their destination. They knew God was just as present in the journey as He was in the celebration and worship.

Like the Israelites, we know that our help comes from God. He is the One who provides a firm and stable path, who constantly watches over us, who knows our every need and protects us. Our God is always present. He concerns Himself with everything we are going through and experiencing. He wants to provide for us and care for us. God’s watchful eye is always open, and He does not sleep. He is all powerful. He is in control.

But how many of us look to God as an afterthought? How many of us get tossed around in our doubt like a wave in the ocean? How many of us question His ability to do what He said? Often, we go to Him as a last resort, or we run ourselves ragged trying to figure things out on our own. Meanwhile, He’s waiting for us to come to Him and trust that He will keep us. God watches over us all the time. He does not get tired or weary like we do. He is not busy doing something else. He is fully in control and fully paying attention to us. He wants us to turn to Him for help.

So, the next time you are on a journey, question what is going on in the world, or wonder why or how God works the way He does, remind yourself to trust Him, believe who He is, and build your life on that truth. We can still glorify God and rest in, and declare, that God is our help. There is no one else.


Oh Lord, help us put our trust in you. Remind us that all of our help comes from you, that you do not slumber or sleep, and that you will keep us from all harm. Thank you for watching over our lives. Help us turn to you always. Amen.

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1 komentar

Judy Webb
Judy Webb
30. kol 2023.

Kim, I am tucking this one away in my heart. The line, "God was just as present in the journey as he was in the celebration and worship" is so true and worth remembering. Thank you. -- Judy

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