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Daily Worship

August 3 | Philippians 4:8-14

Kristin Schoeff





Don't Pass Up the Peace!

by Kristin Schoeff

What a rich passage this is, filled with wisdom on how to live in the peace of God. I could

certainly use more of His peace!

First, verse 8 challenges us to set our thoughts intentionally on things that are true, noble, right,

pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy. As we keep our thoughts on higher ground

and put into practice the things we’ve learned from our godly leaders, the God of peace will be

with us. (v.9)

Then Paul challenges us further to find with him the secret to a life of contentment – of peace

within ourselves, being satisfied with what we have, not envying those who have more or

complaining that we don’t have enough. He tells us that the secret is this: “I can do all things

through Him who strengthens me.” (v.13 – NASB)

What has always struck me as odd is Paul’s claim that “I have learned the secret of being

content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in

want.” Why do we need to know how to be satisfied when we’re living in prosperity? Why do we

need a secret to thriving when our bellies are full and we have an abundance of everything we

could possibly need?

Paul wrote these words from prison, so he has a convincing testimony of finding the power of

Christ to strengthen him and enable him to withstand the suffering and doing without that come with prison life. Certainly he went hungry there and suffered need.

But it has felt like a puzzle to me when he said he found Christ’s strength to help him get along

in times of prosperity, a full stomach, and abundance of every kind. Then it dawned on me that,

in the same way we lean on Christ and seek to abide in Him in times of want and difficulty, we

must stay connected to the Vine and abide in Him when we seem to have more than enough.

We can subtly begin to feel less dependent on Him when all is well, and we can read the lack of

anxiety as the peace of God within us, rather than our not being stressed by needs.

Paul says, “I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.” (v. 11) How hard is it to be content in times of abundance? Ask me when I see someone with MORE abundance than I have!!! We’ve all heard the story of John D. Rockefeller being asked, “How much money is

enough?” His answer: “A little bit more.” Take an honest look at yourself and those around you who have so much of this world’s goods. How many would you call content?

And maybe money isn’t your issue. For me, money and things don’t really tug at my heart. But I

can yearn for family relationships that appear better than my own. I need Christ’s strength to be content with how He has blessed me, not someone else.

We truly need to abide in Christ and seek Him for the strength to live in whatever circumstances

we find ourselves. The promise from Paul is true for all followers of Jesus Christ: “I can do all

things through Him who gives me strength.” (v. 13)


Lord, help us to always abide in You, in Your strength, and to learn to be truly content in the

circumstances You’ve placed us in. Let us know your peace that passes understanding. In the

precious Name of Jesus, Amen.

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2 Komentar

Kim Starr
03 Agu 2023

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and perspective. You added value to an already rich passage. I greatly appreciate your insight and encouragement.


03 Agu 2023

Great reminder! Thank you!

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