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Daily Worship

Beth Voltmann

August 28 | Romans 12:1-16 |

Updated: Nov 1, 2024






Practice Hospitality

by Beth Voltmann


I used to joke with friends that God did not give me the “gift of hospitality.” This always elicited a laugh, but I hoped it would save me from unwanted commitments as well. I was happy to serve within the guidelines of the spiritual gifts that God has given me, but the following requests were met with a lack of spiritual fervor. Would I be willing to...

            Cook and serve a meal for a local children’s charity?

            Provide an evening of childcare during the holidays?

            Host an immigrant or visiting missionary in my home?

Honestly, just receiving an email asking me to sign-up for a Meal Train slot was stressful!


It is true that God has equipped believers in beautiful and varied ways. These spiritual gifts are to be used harmoniously in the body of Christ to spread the Gospel and to demonstrate God’s love to others. (Romans 12:6-8 lists a few: prophecy, serving, teaching, encouragement, giving, leadership and mercy).


Take notice, though, of Paul’s continued call to believers in the verses following:


"Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.

Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice;

Mourn with those who mourn. Live in harmony with one another.

Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position.

Do not be conceited."

(Romans 12:13-16)


I am thankful for the friend who drew my attention to these verses a few years ago.  She pointed out that hospitality is not a spiritual gift. It is an action expected of each and every believer! We are to be deliberate in our faith as we strive to live in unity with one another and as we share God’s love with a hurting world.


We are to practice hospitality. Discipleship involves repetition. Learning to be Christ-like requires intentionality. Serving often involves self-sacrifice.


A Meal Train request in my inbox might still bring on hives, but I am willing to answer the call. Are you?


"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy,

to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God –

this is your true and proper worship."

Romans 12:1


Lord, forgive me for focusing more on my comfort than on the needs of others. I long to be a part of a body of believers that reflects your love to those around and takes little thought of the cost. May Jesus Christ receive all the glory! Amen.


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Judy Webb
Judy Webb
Aug 28, 2024

Your words are convicting. Romans 12 is favorite one I need to read often. Thanks for this reminder.


Stacy Schad
Aug 28, 2024

Happy to be your guinea pig Beth as you continue to practice! ;)

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