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Daily Worship


August 25 | Romans 12:4-8






Thumbs and Elbows!

by Elaine Pierce

A few weeks ago I had a minor bike accident, and I hurt my left thumb in the process. My thumbnail has mostly grown back and of course the bleeding long ago stopped, but I still have some soreness in my thumb, which I notice only when I use it.....which is more often than you'd think! I took my perfectly healthy thumb for granted until it was hurt, and now I look forward to not noticing it anymore. That will happen when it is healed, and not before that.

When our bodies are working properly, we don't stop to notice, do we? At the end of the day, when my husband asks me how my day was, I don't eagerly tell him how well my elbows worked that day, do I? Of course not! I expect my eyes to ears to hear....yes, my thumbs to unscrew lids, tie shoes, and form ponytails.

The Apostle Paul in the book of Romans says much the same thing about how the body of Christ should work. We all have a part to play, but we don't all play the same part. If we all had the gift of leadership, who would be led? If we all served, who would be served? I am so grateful for the gifts of many in our congregation, especially those whose gifts might not be so 'front-facing.' Did you know that more than 100 people every Sunday volunteer in some capacity so that all of us can worship the Lord? Yes, we have up-front pastors, music leaders, and lectors, but we have those who serve coffee...those who carefully protect us on our security team...those who pray for others in time of crisis, doubt, or fear....those who bake the communion bread. And many more who arrive well before the rest of us to make sure the building is ready for worship. Yes, we have thumbs and elbows, and everything in between!

What gift or gifts has God given you? Ask him how you can serve the body of Christ. And serve in a way that brings honor and glory to him, not accolades to you. As Paul says, give generously....govern diligently, show mercy cheerfully.

We are blessed to be a blessing. Let it be so!



Lord, our minor physical injuries will heal, and we will go back to taking our health for granted. Please, Lord, help me never to take the gifts you give me for granted. Help me to use those gifts to build up the body of Christ. Amen.

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