One Body, One Spirit, One Hope
by Judy Webb
We are starting to see more and more folks on Facebook and other social media platforms, asking for kindness. Calling for us to use our words to lift up each other instead of tearing them down. Some of us are beginning to see the value of a patient and encouraging word. Perhaps because we need one too.
We are longing for a world where unity is embraced and respect for each other is the norm. We are craving a world like our parents knew, like we knew as children, without all the noise and discontent, shouting and name calling.
"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace." (Ephesians 4:2-3)
As Christians, this shouldn't be that difficult if we are studying God's Word and doing what it says. But Satan is constantly trying to stir us up. He is ready to use our weaknesses against us and loves nothing better than for us to lash out at each other. Ephesian 4:1 reads: "As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received." What is that calling? To be united under Christ, to live as Christ has called us to live.
The Believers Bible Commentary tell us we must cultivate unity in the church, purity in our personal lives, harmony in our homes and stability in our combat with the powers of evil. Instead of magnifying our differences we should remember the positive realities that highlight true Christian unity. Our outward testimony of love and unity will be a tremendous example for those who are watching us, looking to see what makes us different from much of the world, and at peace with our neighbor.
Dear Lord, bring peace to our world, to our families and neighborhoods. Show us how to be a beacon of hope in a world in desperate need of it. Amen.