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Daily Worship

August 22 | 1 Peter 1:17-25

Kim Starr





Love Deeply from the Heart

by Kim Starr

Peter is writing to Jewish Christians who were primarily scattered throughout Gentile territories and who were unsure how they should act and think when they were out of sync with the world in which they lived. They are aliens and strangers who appear to be all on their own. It is evident Peter has a genuine love for these believers and he realizes that the fruit of his labor is being displayed in their lives.

Peter encourages them to fix their hope on the grace they received when they became believers and understood their salvation was through faith in Jesus Christ alone. He wants them to be holy in their behavior and reflect the holy character of Jesus himself. Peter said, "Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for each other, love one another deeply, from the heart.” (v. 22)


The word for love that Peter uses is philadelphia, which means brotherly love; however, he wants them to love one another with a sacrificial love that comes from a heart that is in fellowship with Jesus, is walking with the spirit, and is obedient to the truth. The word Peter

uses for deeply is ektenōs, which means in an all-out manner (Think about Olympic athletes who leave it all out at the competition to excel at their event.) Peter wanted them to keep their hearts pure and obey Jesus’ command to love others as Christ loves us, to develop a sincere love of their fellow believers, to diligently love one another from the inner depths of their hearts.


What would it look like if we followed Peter’s suggestion and loved one another deeply from the heart? UALC is a family of believers who care about one another and who give their all to love one another. As we continue to purify our hearts and souls through living a life of faith, he will pour into our hearts that sincere love for one another that only comes through faith in him. At UALC, we strive to be a community where people look at us and say, “See how they love one another.” We will be successful if we love one another deeply from our hearts.


Oh Jesus! In this world where we can “love” an ice cream flavor, a sports team, a TV show, or any other thing, help us to focus on the kind of love we should have for one another. Help us develop a sincere love for all of our brothers and sisters in Christ – a sacrificial love where we can love deeply from the heart. In your holy name we pray. Amen.

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