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Daily Worship

AUGUST 20 | 1 JOHN 4:7-12

Terry Starr

Updated: Oct 21, 2024






Holy Love

by Terry Starr


LOVE is one of the most widely used words in the English language with many

definitions and uses. LOVE is defined as an intense feeling of deep affection. We use

the word LOVE to explain our feelings for each other, food, inanimate objects, a

beautiful place, and our pets. LOVE is difficult to define but easy to use in a large

number of ways: I love God. I love my children. I love popcorn. I love my new car.

I love walking on the beach. LOVE is a short 4 letter word that holds the biggest

impact of almost any word in any language. True LOVE can be consuming.

BUT what is GOD'S LOVE? What is HOLY LOVE? Can we even begin to understand

and comprehend the LOVE of God or do we minimize it into human terms?

HOLY LOVE means that the Creator God has a deep feeling of affection for us. God

has a consuming desire for a personal relationship with us. When we experience

HOLY LOVE, we are experiencing GOD. HOLY LOVE is the unconditional, complete

affection God has for all people. We cannot be separated from God's love.... except

by our own choice. When we focus self and our selfish desires, we put ourselves at

the center of our lives... the place where God longs to be.

God created us in HIS image so we can know LOVE. The source of LOVE is God. To

truly be able to LOVE, a person must know GOD. The scripture states that all LOVE

comes from God so being able to LOVE only comes from experiencing God. God first

LOVED us and has such a fierce desire for us to know HOLY LOVE that He sent His

only Son Jesus Christ to become one of us who gave His life for our salvation.

Christ's sacrifice on the cross was God's greatest example of HOLY LOVE. When we

experience HOLY LOVE, it is life changing and consuming. To know and experience

HOLY LOVE is the greatest gift God gives to us as it only comes through knowing


His command is that we LOVE one another as He loves us. Are we capable of this type of LOVE? Are we willing to put aside our fears, our selfishness, our judgement to LOVE as God LOVES. He commands us to LOVE one another as He LOVES us. To LOVE unconditionally, selflessly and completely. Are we capable of this command?

Can we love unconditionally all people with the love that God gives to us? HOLY

LOVE is beyond our understanding and capacity. The only hope for us to LOVE like

God is to surround ourselves with God's HOLY LOVE and HIS WORD.

When we LOVE one another, God dwells in us and we can live each day showing and

sharing God's HOLY LOVE to every person we meet. It will change your life and

impact the lives of the people you meet.


Dear Father in Heaven,

We ask that you fill us with your Holy Love. Help us love as you love. Thank you for the amazing unconditional love you have for us. We know we do not deserve your Holy Love but are overwhelmingly grateful for it. Forgive us for our focus on self and our selfish ways. We are humbled that you love us in spite of ourselves. We seek your guidance and blessings, Lord, as we strive to fulfill your command: Love others as we love ourselves. We ask that your love fill our hearts, minds and spirits with your Holy Love. Through Christ we pray. Amen.

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