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Daily Worship

AUGUST 2 | 1 KINGS 19:3-9

Judy Webb






Rest From Our Troubles

by Judy Webb


"Elijah was afraid and ran for his life." (1Kings 19:3)

What was he so afraid of that he feared for his life? Didn’t he just stand up against 450 pagan prophets? The story in chapter 18 tells of prophet Elijah, who challenged the prophets of Baal to perform the wonders his God could do. It was an amazing sight. I can only think that all of this had exhausted Elijah. He needed rest, and he needed to have his faith bolstered.

“He came to a broom brush, sat down under it and prayed that he might die.” (1 Kings 19:4)

Elijah was afraid of Jezebel, Queen of Israel, wife of Ahab, (also known as the Queen of Demons). She was very evil, and certainly to be feared, but Elijah had God on his side. Did he forget or was he so tired he couldn’t think straight? He needed rest, and he needed to regroup and eat. Have you ever been there; so tired from fighting off all the troubles in your life that you just wanted it all to go away? You wanted to escape.

God understood this about Elijah and He understands it about us too. He knows when life is beating us down, when we are so weary that just putting one foot in front of the other is an extreme effort. But he doesn’t leave us just as he didn't leave Elijah.

“Strengthened by that food, he traveled forty days and forty nights until he reached Horeb, the mountain of God. There he went into a cave and spent the night.” (1 Kings 19:9)

One commentary says that this cave was possibly the very ‘cleft of the rock’, where God placed Moses as His glory passed by. (Exodus 33:21-23) Elijah seems to have forgotten how powerful his God was. We also forget this when overwhelmed, grieved, or deeply troubled. It is during these times we need to take a deep breath and still our minds. As 1 Kings 19:12 tells us, “Listen for the gentle whisper.” We can find answers when we search in the stillness of a moment. Once we quiet our own thoughts and seek God’s voice, we will hear him, and our next step will be perfectly clear.


Dear God,

Never let us forget your love and grace. When we are tired remind us that rest is something you did too. Sabbath is your gift to us and we need to take advantage of this command. Thank you for rest. Amen.

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