TITLE: The Gentiles are In
by David Thompson
Paul opens chapter 3 of Ephesians with this, "For this reason, I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for the sake of you Gentiles -" This was profound, as it once again affirmed that it was all well and good that God had His "chosen people, the Jews," but over the years, the Jews were found not listening to God in the way He wanted, so God in His great wisdom opened the once totally closed Kingdom of God to include all people throughout the world. And, this includes us.
Paul preached and healed in Jerusalem which made the religious hierarchy very angry. They wanted to kill him, but it turns out that Paul was both a Jew, as well as a Roman citizen. In being a Roman citizen, the authorities in Jerusalem could not inflict punishment and certainly not death. Paul asked to be tried in Rome by a Roman court, so he was taken by ship to Rome. On the way, he was shipwrecked, but finally made it to Rome where he was kept in a dungeon. Even though it was a miserable place, Paul was able to write, and write he did. He wrote many of his letters to churches while in prison. Ephesians is one of those letters written from Rome.

In Ephesians Chapter 3:7-13, Paul reminds them of God's perfect plan. He tells them that he is a servant of Christ, but he considers himself the lowest person in God's kingdom. Because of this humble attitude God gave him the gift of witnessing worldwide. We are not apostles or evangelists like Paul, but if the situation arises to speak to others about Christ, He will give us the words. Draw on God's power and not on your own. In Ephesians 3:10 Paul states that, "His intent was now through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities." No matter whether the rulers and authorities are good or bad, we have an obligation to speak up and help them understand. Through these actions we can approach God boldly, with freedom and confidence.
Dear Lord,
Help me, and all Christians, to be aware of the message Paul was telling. It was nearly 2,000 years ago, but it is the same today. Give us the words and other spiritual gifts needed to allow us to be effective witnesses for you. Thank you that in our lowly estate, we can still come to you with freedom and confidence. Amen!
