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Daily Worship


August 12 | John 15:9-17






Your Joy, My Joy!

by Pr. Dave Mann


Today’s theme verse – John 15:11 – “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.”


Followers of Christ have the right to be the most joyful people on the planet.  Think about it.  We believe that the Person with the most power, resources, and love has sworn that his mission is to prepare an eternal habitation where we will spend eternity in his presence.  He has promised to make us his own.  That is reason to rejoice!


God is full of joy when he thinks about you.  He knows his plans to make you fit to be with him forever will certainly be accomplished.  He is delighted in his mission.  He knows it will happen.  Despite the difficulties that we present and the problems that we create, his purpose will be realized.


Jesus said to his disciples that his joy would become their joy.  Nehemiah 8:10 says, “The joy of the Lord is your strength.”


Zephaniah 3:17 says, “The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love, he will no longer rebuke you but will rejoice over you with singing.”  Can you imagine God taking such delight in you that he actually sings about you?


You may be thinking, “Yes, but what about _________?” (You can fill in the blank, remembering all the messes you have created.)  God is fully aware of your shortcomings.  However, he is also fully aware of his ability to take the worst we can create and turn it into the best. 


Jesus spoke the words of John 15:11, the theme verse for today, on the first Maundy Thursday.  That joy-filled conversation with his disciples happened just before he would weep in the Garden of Gethsemane, when Judas would betray him, when all the other disciples would abandon him, when Peter would deny him three times, when he would be whipped and flogged, when he would be nailed to a cross, when he would experience the abandonment of the Father – and still in that moment, he speaks to his disciples about his joy being made complete in us his disciples.  Why?  Because Jesus knows that the eternal purpose of God to redeem sinners and make them fit for heaven would certainly be accomplished.


That is good reason for great joy!



Heavenly Father, I find it difficult to picture you singing with joy over me.  After all I have done to deserve your punishment, you rejoice over me?  How can that be?  My gratitude for the effectiveness of the work of Christ on the cross and the power of the empty tomb grows deeper and deeper.  Your joy is contagious.  If you rejoice, then certainly I will rejoice.  Your joy is my joy!  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Thanks Pastor Dave. This is speaking to me today.


Aug 12

Good morning, Pastor Dave. Before reflecting on today's blog i was outside rejoicing in the beauty of the day and God's graciousness in all of our lives. Your commentary is such an affirmation of our need to bask in God's love and rejoice in His unfailing provision for our lives. I take time periodically to focus on the joy of eternal life in His presence singing praises to the One who overcame sin and death. My future is secure in His saving work on the cross and knowing this and verbalizing my gratitude to our Triune God brings Him joy and me as well. Thank yoiu for the scriptural references and bringing even more joy in my life today.


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