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Daily Worship


August 10 | Genesis 18:14-24






Children of Light

by Mary Alice McGinnis


Every day we wake up, there is more bad news. It’s hard to escape it. No matter where we turn, we are confronted with all the dark, evil things that are happening. It is undeniable how broken our world is. Many say that things are going from bad to worse – that things are spinning out of control.

In earlier chapters of Genesis, God promised Abraham that he would become a great nation, as numerous as the stars in the sky and the grains of sand by the sea. He told him that all the nations of the earth would be blessed through him. In today’s reading we pick up the story of Abraham many years later. Abraham's promise had not yet been fulfilled.

God reiterates His promise to Abraham.

“Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return to you at the appointed time next year, and Sarah will have a son.”

God knew that it is hard for us to hold on to His promises when things seem hopeless, when the things He has promised are delayed. He carefully reminds Abraham and Sarah of His promise.  

Then the Lord said, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do? Abraham will surely become a great and powerful nation, and all nations on earth will be blessed through him.”

Let’s look at what God promised Abraham.

First, Abraham would become a great nation. He did this through the birth of Isaac, then through Isaac, Jacob was born. Jacob’s name was changed to Israel. The story of Abraham's children - the Children of Israel is told throughout the the Old Testament. And let me tell you, it is not a pretty one. These children often go astray, turn to other gods, do evil things and rebel against God.

Yet, God told Abraham, that all the nations on earth would be blessed through him. Through the lineage of the messed up story of the children of Israel, the Messiah – Jesus – became incarnate. 

Amid God’s reminder of His promise to Abraham, profound evil was lurking in the world - Sodom and Gomorrah. Outcries of grievous wickedness had reached the ears of God.

I find it interesting that these two themes are not mutually exclusive. God’s promises stand true amidst tragedy, trauma, sin, and even evil.  

Verse 18 from today’s reading reminds us:

For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just, so that the Lord will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him.”

Did you know that YOU are a child of Abraham? This verse speaks about us!


Romans 4:16 says: "Therefore, the promise comes by faith, so that it may be by grace and may be guaranteed to all Abraham’s offspring—not only to those who are of the law but also to those who have the faith of Abraham. He is the father of us all."


We are weaved into this tapestry of God’s unfolding promise. Yes, things are broken, dark, distressing in the world around us. People are prone to do evil.

But we have a Savior who is the light in the darkness.

And He has called US - TOGETHER - as Children of Abraham, to take the message of His Promise to this dark world.


“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light”

Ephesians 5:8 NIV


Lord, help us not to lose hope. Your promises still stand even while heartache, distress and evil are prevailing. You have made us Your children - through the promise you made to Abraham long ago. Weave us TOGETHER to carry Your light into the darkness. Help us live as children of light!

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Judy Webb
Judy Webb
10 ago

Yes, He has called US - TOGETHER to take his word into this dark world. These daily devotions help to shed His Light. I love this timely sermon series...US...for it is us together that we will make a difference in and for the Kingdom. Thank you Mary, for these words today.

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