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Daily Worship

AUGUST 1 | ISAIAH 26:1-4

Judy Webb






Living Steadfast and Firm

by Judy Webb


“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” (Isaiah 26:3)

There are three words in this verse I’d like to study. Peace, Steadfast, and Trust. Peace has many definitions, but they seem to point to similar sensations: Quiet, tranquil, secure, order, freedom, harmony, calm, all of which are in short supply these days. The only time I experience any of these feelings is when I am reading my Bible or writing in my journal or spending time with friends who are like a minded.

Also, from this text is the word, steadfast—meaning, firmly fixed in place, devoted, loyal, (etc.). When was the last time you felt steadfast? Would you say your are steadfast in your life? Are you in focus with the world around? Do you know where your are going (your goals) and do you feel good about it?

This brings us to the word trust which is popping up each day when I read from various devotionals or tackle a scripture memory verse. Trust is front and center, and there's a reason for that. We live in a world where we don’t trust as we once did. Where those who shout the loudest have the platform. We no longer trust the news media, politicians, even our friends if they don’t believe as we do. How wrong is this!

But thankfully there is good news. There are good people, trustworthy and steadfast people who love Jesus and only want what is right and good. Truth is found in God’s word. We can trust His word and we can seek and find truth.

We will dwell in perfect peace, when we remain steadfast and trust that God is in control.

“And the God of all grace, who called you into his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm, and steadfast.” (1 Peter 5:10)



Lord, we long for those days when it was easy to trust, easy to speak truth without worrying we will be attacked for such ideas. Your way, Lord, is the only way to live. Come Holy Spirit, instill this truth into our hearts and minds. Amen.

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