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Daily Worship

August 1 | 1 John 5:1-5

Mary Kate Hipp





This is Our Victory

by Mary Kate Hipp

Conquers. Victory. Reread the passage for today and take note of these words and others that are similar. What images come to mind when you read them? How do they make you feel? What do you correlate with these words?

Maybe you think of conquering a literal battle or war. Or maybe you think of Arnold Schwarzenegger's iconic "conquer" poster. For me, many of the images these words illicit are of people who have just completed a race, or won a game, arms up, fists pumping in celebration. No matter the imagery that came to mind for you, a battle or struggle preceded the victory. It is not without struggle that we are victorious.

The imagery of achieving victory throughout Scripture was used in military, athletic, debate and courtroom situations but always involved a conflict or test. Elsewhere in John's writing, he calls his readers to "overcome" or "triumph" in the face of opposition, persecution, and possible martyrdom. What is the secret to triumphing over these feats? Our faith in Christ Jesus. We rejoice because Christ has already won. Cling to this simple and sometimes cliché truth: God has already won. Be still. Have faith. He has and He will overcome. He has conquered the world. Through our faith in Him, we too are conquerors. God fights for us. There is truth in the Michael W. Smith song "This is How I Fight my Battles," through faith in Jesus Christ, our battles are fought and won by His precious blood.

He has conquered the world. Those who have been born of God, through Him, also have conquered the world. Therefore, we lack nothing. His love is sufficient. No matter the battle you are currently facing: a scary diagnosis, struggles in being a newly empty nester, strained relationship with a loved one, feelings of loneliness, confusion in a new stage of life, fear of the future, the list goes on. Even though you may not feel victorious in the moment, through faith in Him, we are conquerors. He has won. The battle belongs to Him and we rest in the promise that He has won and He will win time and time again.


Lord, we praise You that You are God and we are not. Teach us to be still and know that you have already won, that through faith in You we too are conquerors. Lord be near in our weaknesses. You are our strength, You are our victor, You are our hope. Amen.

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1 Comment

Aug 02, 2023

Love the line, "Therefore we lack nothing." Mary Kate!

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