In Between Yesterday and Tomorrow
by Mary Alice McGinnis

Life is full of moments that require faith.
Often there are two opposing realities at work; the moments between the fresh grief of what we experienced yesterday and the hope of tomorrow that has not yet dawned. There is a tension between what God has promised and those promises that are not yet fulfilled.
The space between the sorrows I am experiencing now and the promise of the joy of what is yet to come.
So on this Holy Saturday, let take some time to sit in this place of tension, that uncomfortable place between the grief of yesterday and the joyful hope of what is coming.
After the gruesome events of Good Friday, the disciples scatter, hiding behind closed doors, bewildered, confused, and full of the fear of “what’s next?”
Maybe you can relate to some the people in today’s story.
Joseph of Arimathea—despite his own grief, he is troubled because no one is left to care for the body of Jesus. He insists on doing what needs to be done even though it would cost him dearly. He gave up his own expensive stone carved tomb to lay Jesus’ body. He could be rejected and ostracized by his peers. He would be considered unclean on the Sabbath for having touched a dead body. Yet his love drove him to do this beautiful act of honor for His beloved Master.
The two Marys — sitting opposite the tomb. Sitting on the sidelines so to speak, still in utter disbelief of what had just happened, overcome with grief, and watching to see what would happen next. They felt as though time stood still, and they were frozen in the moment.
The chief priests and Pharisees — still trying to control everything. Even though they knew without a shadow of doubt the Jesus was dead, they wanted to MAKE SURE that He was no longer a threat to them.
Do you really think they were afraid of a conspiracy by the disciples, that they would steal the body of Jesus and say He had arisen? Even though they had executed Jesus and seemingly won, they STILL FEARED HIM and HIS POWER.
Don’t you find it interesting that they remembered Jesus’ promise, that He would rise again on the third day, yet His closest followers seem to forget?
What a powerful testimony! The heavy stone, the unbreakable seal, the militia posted guard outside the tomb, none of their futile efforts were enough.
The unstoppable power of the Resurrection of the King of Kings was still victorious.
Death could not hold Him; He silenced the boast of sin and grave.
Where are you feeling disappointment or grief right now? How is Jesus calling you to trust Him in this season in between? Where are you being haunted by the ghosts of yesterday, wondering how long is this going to last? Where is Jesus calling you to stop fighting a fight that’s already been won? Where can you lean into the HOPE of the Resurrected King?
Bring your heart to Jesus in prayer through this song today:
Redeemed by Big Daddy Weave.
