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Daily Worship

April 4 | Mark 16:19-20

Kristin Schoeff

Updated: Oct 21, 2024





He Sat Down…But He Isn’t Finished

by Kristin Schoeff

Do you ever get the feeling that the Lord is trying to get your attention—repeating the message he wants you to receive? When I read today’s Bible passage, its theme was remarkably similar to one I've seen throughout the book of Mark, and it left me pondering and praying about how Jesus wants to work this more into our lives.

In these two short verses that complete the Gospel of Mark, I was struck by the fact that after Jesus gave his disciples final instructions, he “was taken up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God.” (Mark 16:19 ESV) A place at someone’s right hand in the Bible denotes honor and power. Jesus had earned that place at God the Father’s right hand by his finished work on the cross and his victory over sin and death. Hebrews 12:2 tells us that Jesus “endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God." And what do you do when you complete your job? You sit down!

When Jesus appeared to his disciples after his resurrection, before he ascended to heaven, he gave them their marching orders (in the previous verses, Mark 16:15-18)—to go into the world and preach the gospel, promising them that miraculous signs would go with those who believed in him—they would have the power to drive out demons, and bring healing to the sick (along with some other more unusual signs!). These were three things that Jesus focused his ministry on, and had trained, equipped and given his disciples authority to do while he was still with them and he sent them out two by two (see Mark 3:14-15; Mark 6:7-13; Matthew 10:1,7).

In Mark 16:20, after Jesus was taken up to heaven, his disciples began to preach the gospel as he had told them to. But they were not left to do this work in their own power. As they went out, preaching the good news, "the Lord worked with them" – confirming his word by the signs that accompanied it. Jesus may have sat down, but he was by no means done working. He chose to continue his work through those who believed.

So that brings us to today. Jesus is still seated at the right hand of God, still calling on those who believe in him to continue his work. Do you believe? Might the Lord even confirm the words of hope and good news that he gives you to share with signs of his power? It’s something to consider and pray for. Jesus wants his followers to continue to multiply his ministry here on earth—through the power and authority he has given to us.


Lord Jesus, here we are. Send us; use us; fill us; empower us to be your hands and feet in this world, to your glory and the building of your Kingdom. In your holy name, Amen.

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Apr 04, 2024

Good morning, Kristin. I need to reread Mark because there are several remarks I had never thought about. One of them is the one you pointed out, "He worked with them". Never saw this one before although I read it several times over the years. Aren't we grateful He continues His work in and through us by the indwelling presence of the HOLY SPIRIT?

We have the "full armor of God" at or disposal all the time, right? I am grateful for your words today reminding me that He is present and is my armor.


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