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Daily Worship

September 4 | Ephesians 3:14-21

Elaine Pierce






by Elaine Pierce

The Apostles' Creed ends with the word "Amen." We say "amen" several times at church every Sunday, and I am certain you say "amen"many times every day - that simple word ends our prayers before meals, our prayers for each other, and our prayers for our heart's desires. Amen is the most frequently used religious word; it is used by Christians, by Jews, and by Muslims. It is a Hebrew word, and in English, it is translated as "so be it." It is the last word in the Bible - the book of Revelation ends with "amen."

We are coming to the end of our eleven-week study of the Apostles' Creed, which, fittingly, ends with the word "amen." Our passage in Ephesians is filled with encouragement to grow in our faith. Take a look at these two verses, and soak in this prayer:

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen." (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Paul is confident that God is trustworthy, and that he is worthy of worship. And, you might remember, Paul wrote this letter to the church at Ephesus from prison. Yes, from prison. Not where I ever want to be! And yet, in the midst of great persecution and personal suffering, Paul reminds this fledgling body of believers that the God they worship has glorious riches, and that his love, through Jesus Christ, gives us power and love that is far deeper, far wider, and far greater than we can possibly comprehend. To that, we must all reply, Amen!!!

It's easy to say "amen" without thinking, almost like a punctuation mark. Yes, the prayer is over. Time to eat. Say a few prayers before bed, and it's time to turn off the lights. But take time this week to say "amen" in agreement and thanks for all that God has done and is doing in your life, in the life of your small group, in the life of the body of believers at UALC, in Columbus, and around the world.

Take a minute (it's actually 1:59, so take two minutes) to listen to this beautiful song, The Lord Bless You and Keep You. As you listen, thank God for his many blessings in your life - Amen, so be it!


Lord, so often I say "amen" without thinking. Help me this week to be intentional when I come before you in prayer, and to say "amen" with a humble heart, knowing that you love me, care for me, and forgive me. What joy it will be to join the heavenly chorus and say amen with all the saints. In your son's most precious name, Amen.

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