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Daily Worship

Remember God's Teaching

UALC Communications

Updated: Sep 1, 2021


Lectio: Read today’s passage through once. Then spend some time praying and asking God to show you what you need to pay attention to in the text. Read it again. Now ask God to help you see what this text, and the part that has stood out, may mean for you. Don’t expect to get a clear word every time but always be ready to really hear from God through His Word.



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A Source of All Wisdom

by Pastor Jeff Morlock

Self-help books abound these days. “The 48 Laws of Power.” “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” “Think and Grow Rich.” They promise techniques, principles, and “laws” that, if followed, guarantee the desired result. Just put more confidence in yourself, and follow these simple steps…

But as a sinful human being, is it really wise to put confidence in myself? Or to trust the desires of my heart? Our hearts are deceitful. They lie to us. My heart often desires things that will bring death instead of life. Proverbs 9:10 says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,” which is why it’s unsafe to lean to your own understanding. Making important life decisions using that flawed starting point will lead to disappointing, if not disastrous outcomes.

Like your cell phone, your heart runs on an operating system that determines your character, attitudes, and worldview. This operating system is either your old sinful nature or the Word of God. God’s Word or “teaching” (v. 1) reveals Jesus as the source of all wisdom. It is not our efforts to follow a set of laws that will make us wise or give us the good life. It is a relationship with Jesus, who writes love and faithfulness on our hearts (v. 3).

The Hebrew word for love here is hesed, an industrial-strength, unconditional, covenant love that never gives up. This love that led Christ to shed his blood for us on a cross is the source of all blessing. Only Jesus, who is hesed personified, can make you loving, faithful, and wise. Only when your thoughts and plans are yielded to him will your paths be straight instead of running you in circles.

Ask the Lord in prayer to show you where you are leaning to your own understanding or strength instead of trusting him through his teaching.

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