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Daily Worship

July 4 | Psalm 30:1-5

Mary Kate Hipp





by Mary Kate Hipp

Friends, there is JOY in the morning! If you are like me, "Good Morning" by Mandisa is stuck in your head right about now. If you have no idea what I'm talking about--take a listen to the song! We praise you, O God, because we know that joy comes in the morning. Even when we feel it not, joy is coming. This is such a simple truth that I often forget.

The Hebrew for "joy" used in this passage is rinnah (rih-naa) and translates to mean "ringing cry" or "proclamation of praise." It is the type of joy that one could not help but contain. This is like the glee of a young child at VBS when "Faith Works" comes on or the exclamation of an OSU buckeye fan upon the defeat of that team up north. Or the tearful excitement of delivering a child or grandchild. It's the joy that overwhelms you when they finally say, "the cancer is gone" or you finally receive a diagnosis after years of searching for answers. It is the joy of witnessing a beautiful marriage. It is the joy of the Lord.

Though life brings trials and the lowest of lows, we rejoice because the joy is coming! Not just any type of joy--the joy that overwhelms you, brings you to tears, makes you do a happy dance. When we cry out to Him, He delivers us. When it seemed like all was lost as Jesus breathed His last, we rejoice because we know that three days later there was insurmountable joy!

Maybe you are experiencing this joy right now. Or perhaps you are feeling the lowest of the lows. Or maybe you are somewhere in between. No matter where you are at, I challenge you this week to do a happy dance. When you feel like you're in the pits, do a happy dance. Call to mind this joy of the Lord via happy dance.

Joy is not always present. Sometimes it is entirely appropriate to be sad and cry. It is okay to not be okay because He collects all of our tears and writes down each one in His book. BUT, we have hope because joy WILL come. He will not leave you in your troubles. Friends, JOY comes in the morning.


During this time of prayer, do a little happy dance and say "Jesus, I choose to rejoice knowing that in you there is joy, with you joy is coming."

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