The One True King
By Katie Borden
“How the mighty have fallen!”
Do you hear the sadness in David’s lament? Can you feel the sorrow?
How complicated it must have been to grieve the loss of Saul, the man who first favored David and then wanted to kill him. How difficult it must have been to grieve Saul, the man who threatened his life–who was also the father of David’s dearest friend Jonathan, whom he also lost. How complicated that David’s own journey to the throne included this devastation.
It almost feels as though David’s lament was saying, “I wish that it did not have to be this way!”
And I feel that to the core of my bones.
I wish that Saul’s life did not have to end the way that it did.
I wish that David had not had to lose his friend.
I wish that Saul had not felt so threatened by David and caused such harm to so many people because of his jealousy.
I wish that Saul had been a better king.
I wish that David had been a better king.
I wish that leaders of all kinds were better leaders.
And I lament that, because we are still in this broken world, we still have faulty leaders who err and sin. These kinds of heart-wrenching, complicated situations still happen all the time among leaders. There is almost no one who will rule or lead rightly.
Except that there is One.
Saul and David (and Solomon and Jeroboam and Hezekiah and all the other leaders ever) were unable to perfectly lead in wisdom, love and power free from corruption or sin. Jesus was able to accomplish all of this. He still does. Jesus is, always has been, and always will be–the true King and Lord.
Our nation voted to elect our next leader yesterday. As I write, I don’t know what the outcome of this election will be. I do not know if we woke up today knowing who our next president is, or if we are still living in a state of uncertainty.
What I do know is that our next presidential leader will certainly disappoint us at some point. They will err. They will sin.
And of course they will. No earthly leader can ever exercise authority and power in the perfect way God intended. No earthly leader is our savior.
But Jesus–the sinless, perfect one–will not disappoint us. He will lead and guide us in love and faithfulness, now and forever. He is our one true King.
Amid all of the uncertainty, and amid all of the complication in a world where all is not yet as it should be, we can put our hope in the One who will rule and reign over creation, restored and redeemed.
God, I thank you that your rule and reign is coming. Help me to fix my eyes on Jesus, my true King and Lord.
I’m a lifelong member of UALC and have had the privilege of serving our community in both volunteer and staff roles over the years. I love learning, OSU football, good conversations, chocolate croissants, laughter, and sharing about the good news of Jesus in whatever capacity I can.
Thank you Katie for reminding us to keep our focus on our Lord and Savior.
Amen amen!