Love Story
by Katie Borden
I have to admit that, even though it’s November 1st, and the world has only now officially begun to switch over from “pumpkin spice” mode to “deck the halls”, I’ve already watched several Hallmark Christmas movies this fall. I know Hallmark’s formula like the back of my hand, and yet I still watch and enjoy these cozy flicks.
As cheesy as some of the Hallmark variety are, love stories are timeless because they speak to the core of our being in some way: We want to be seen, known, and loved. And we want to express love between one another.
We see this in today's reading from Exodus 33. We see Moses expressing a desire to be known by God, and to know God better. He desires a relationship with God, and an ever-deepening one at that. He desires this for himself and for the whole community of Israel, for their good and for God's renown. He desires this to the point he asks God, "show me your glory."
What a bold request to the God of heaven and earth!
And God, in his kindness, acquiesced to Moses’ request. Even though Moses could not bear seeing God face-to-face at that time, God revealed more of his presence to Moses than he had experienced before. Just as he does with us.
In fact, I can confidently say that it delights God’s heart when we grow deeper in our relationship with him and more fully experience and enjoy his presence. In my own personal confession time, I'm being confronted with my own false illusions of independence, control, and desire. As I ponder what I'm really seeking with these lesser things, I have been more and more convinced that a desire for deep unity with God is the better and truer prize than any other thing. I'm praying that God would rightly align my heart to his so that I can fully enjoy the best gift of all: the love of God with God.
And I look forward to that coming day when we all shall know God fully and be fully known by him, face-to-face in the new creation (if you want to read a compelling vision of this fullness of life with God, read Revelation 22 later today).
What a beautiful love story.
God, I want to know you more. Make me ever more aware of your presence in my life and pull my heart ever more toward you. For it is in you that I will be most deeply and truly satisfied. Amen.