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"Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled"
by David Thompson
Have you ever been so muddled up in all kinds of issues and stress that you didn't know where to turn? It could have been due to work issues or perhaps to troubles in child rearing. Whatever the cause, most of us would likely answer the above question with a resounding, "Yes!" I have been so upset by perceived unfairness issues at work that it affected my physical health. It can be overwhelming. Doctors will give you a prescription to pull you out of your physical or mental pain but often times that gives only mild relief, but the underlying cause is still there.
Jesus on the other hand gives us some direct prescriptions that speak to our issues in life. In verse one of today's passage he gives us a direct command, "Do not let your hearts be troubled." God sent angels to Mary and Joseph telling them to not be afraid. Jesus spoke to the disciples, when the sea was stormy and likely could have killed them, to not be afraid, but to trust in Him. The actors in each story believed God and the fear passed. Here we are told to "not let our hearts be troubled." It is on us to believe what Jesus says and rest in His arms as we go through the struggles in life.
The passage then says some seemingly disconnected thoughts, "You believe in God, believe also in Me. My Father's house has many rooms; if it were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.” However, these verses taken as a whole, paint a beautiful picture for us to contemplate. When I was young, I ran miles and miles. I found that at about the one mile mark of a run, it hurt to run more. I would take my mind off the physical pain by bringing a picture of Jesus to my mind. I would deeply concentrate on that picture and mentally run my fingers through each part of His face. Through His eyebrows, His nose, His lips and even the wrinkles in His brow. I found that within minutes, I passed through the momentary pain and then I could continue to run the race before me.
I encourage you to take today's passage and keep it in mind. Concentrate closely on it. It will take your mind off of the stresses of your life and put your thinking in a better direction. God has all things under His control and we can rest in that.
Dear God, please give us Your personal touch and help us to "let not our hearts be troubled." Give us a renewed spirit and allow us to find rest in dwelling in our "happy place" with you. Amen