Visual Arts Ministry Team
The Visual Arts Ministry (VAM) is a group dedicated to proclaiming Christ’s Gospel through exhibiting original artwork at UALC. The group coordinates and facilitates the displayed art in around the spaces of church. They also hold community building, discipling events like the 7 Day Art Challenge, where artists are given a Bible passage to study and prepare a piece of art within a specified one-week period. The VAM team selects judges for this event and awards prizes.
Desired Skills
VAM members or those who celebrate the creativity of the Lord and God’s people in its many visual forms: painting, photography, drawing, textiles, sculpture, collage, and more. They are not necessarily artists themselves (though artists are certainly welcome), rather they serve alongside the team to locate and display art for our church, to cultivate artists and celebrate creativity in our community.
Time Commitment
The Visual Arts Team has a monthly, hour-long meeting. There is otherwise a good deal of flexibility to serve as you are interested and able.